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Worship With Us



The beautiful, historic sanctuary and luminous stained-glass windows provide a perfect setting for our Sunday Worship (10am) at First Congregational United Church of Christ, Brainerd.


We come to this belonging place to laugh, to clap, and sometimes to cry. We listen to the up-lifting music of organ, bell and voice; we hear the words that have come down to us through centuries; and we listen for the still-speaking voice of God as we seek to know and share God's love within us. Services are approximately one hour long. 


As an Open and Affirming congregation, we are committed to creating a safe place for all to worship. New visitors comment on how welcome they feel at our services, and long time members experience a loving church family. 


A wide range of church attire is acceptable - from jeans to slacks, neckties to flip flops... you are welcome to come as you are!​

Special Services

Throughout the year, we celebrate special holy days with worship services such as Christmas Eve, Transgender Day of Remembrance, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and/or Good Friday. Some Sundays also have special significance and may look or feel different from a "typical" Sunday. For example, in the fall we gather outside for a blessing of the animals.

People In Church


We welcome all children in the worship service. We understand that sometimes our children get wiggly and a little rambunctious - God made them that way! While it may be tempting to sit in the back in case your little one gets squirmy, children often do better when they sit closer to the front. This helps them to see what is happening and feel more engaged in worship.


Many Sundays throughout the year, our children even have a special part in our worship service called 'Time With Our Young People.' Since we encourage children in worship, Pastor Leslie uses this time to help our youngest parishioners find meaning not only in the sermon, but in all that takes place in the life of the church and their own lives.



At any time during worship, feel free to take your child to play in the nursery which is located across the hall from the sanctuary doors. Your movement during worship is not disruptive.​



Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month. We practice "Open Communion" and all are welcome to participate. There are no requirements to share in this holy meal at First Congregational UCC. That means there is no minimum age, no requirement of membership or baptism; God's table is open to all. To ensure that all are able to partake, we use grape juice instead of wine and provide a gluten-free bread option with a separate cup.



Music is an integral part of our worship service. Familiar hymns, rocking spirituals, contemporary songs and classical pieces lift our spirits, speak to our souls, and give deeper meaning to the message of the service.


"All God's children have a place in the choir!" We invite you to add your musical talents to our music ministry.

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