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Justice Ministries

UCC First Congregational Justice Ministries has formed six justice Teams. We are committed to each team's justice concerns and identify resources related to each team's focus. We have 30 congregational members involved with one or more of the five justice priorities identified by the congregation: Mental Health, Creation Justice, Poverty, DEI/LGBTQ, and Community Building.
Every couple of months, we will host a Justice Sunday. On Justice
Sunday, we will, have a justice-focused presentation and provide
time for the multiple justice groups to meet. We will have 5-6
Justice Sundays per year.
I want to highlight these are NOT standing committees with elected
members but rather open tables around which congregational

members gather to lead our congregation into deeper discipleship

and impact. Come sit with us.


Local Organizations Supporting Justice Ministries

with First Congregational UCC Brainerd

Partner Groups

Brainerd Friends Meeting (Quaker)

Crossing Arts Alliance

Crow Wing Energized

First Congregational United Church of Christ, Brainerd

Micah group - Lord of Life Lutheran Church  

Northwoods UU Fellowship

People for Racial Justice

Pequot Parents for Kindness

The Sowing Center

Trinity Lutheran Church

Website: Lakes Area Justice Table 

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On Thursday, February 29th, 2024

the Ecclesiastical Council voted unanimously and approved

Steve Newcom as authorized minister within the United Church of Christ!


Steve’s role within First Congregational UCC Brainerd

will be as Pastor of Justice Ministries.


Steve Newcom

Justice Ministries

First Congregational UCC

Lakes Area Justice Table

763-458-5604 (cell)

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