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Second Week of Advent - "We Can't Go Alone"


One of life’s most essential lessons is that we are never meant to go alone. And yet, modern culture pushes us more and more into lonely silos. If Ruth had followed her culture’s norms, she would have gone home to her family of origin after her husband died, but instead, she commits herself to her mother-in-law, Naomi. Together they form a new family and covenant. Ruth and Naomi travel together to Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest, foreshadowing the journey Mary and Joseph will one day take to be counted in the census. Both Ruth and Naomi as well as Mary and Joseph are unconventional pairs, but if God can bring unlikely people together, God can form us into a covenant community too.

Join us for worship in-person or on Facebook Live at 10:00 am.


Scripture: Ruth 1:1-18, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12       Liturgist: Mary Reardon



Advent and Christmas Worship
December 8 - “We Can’t Go Alone” Worship at 10:00 am.
December 10 - “Endings and Beginnings" Tuesday Worship at 6:30pm
December 15 - “Do the Good That Is Yours to Do” Worship at 10:00 am.
December 22 - “Hope is Worth the Risk” Worship at 10:00 am.
December 24 – “Love Knows Your Name” Christmas Eve Worship at 4:00 pm



Church Office Hours:
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Phone: 218-829-2528  Email:

The Office is closed for Christmas Day, December 25

Pastor Leslie's Schedule

>> Sunday through Thursday (Days off are Friday and Saturday) << 


Drop-in* Hours:  Wed 11 am – 1 pm  &  Thurs (with Daisy) 2 pm - 4 pm

*Drop-in hours are times set aside for “drop-in” conversations, much like a professor’s office hours. Pastor Leslie is typically working at the church the rest of the week, but it is possible that she may be in meetings, at a community event, or working off-site.
Everyone is encouraged to make an appointment if the above times are not convenient. You can go to and select a day and time that works for you, or you can email Pastor Leslie at or call/text at 218-656-0096. 













This Week
**Unless specified otherwise, all church Zoom Gatherings use this link:
If the Zoom meeting window does not automatically launch, click "Launch Meeting"
By phone: dial 1 312 626 6799, Meeting ID: 645 235 0419, password: 56401

Friday, December 6
10:00 am - Church Cleaning with Trustees & Volunteers in-person
10:30 pm - Book Group via Zoom
6:30 pm - Movie Night in Fellowship

Sunday Worship, December 8
10:00 am - Worship Service in-person and Facebook Live
11:00 am - Fellowship in Fellowship Hall
11:15 am - Adult Forum - "Heart of My Soul" Jan Kurtz
**Budget Packets handed out to members

Tuesday, December 10
6:30 pm - Endings & Beginnings Worship Service

Wednesday December 11
10:00 am - Trustees Meeting in-person
11:45 am - Men's Fellowship Lunch @ Wings Cafe
*Budget Packets emailed to members

Thursday, December 12
4:30 am - Executive Team Meeting in-person

Friday, December 13
10:30 pm - Book Group via Zoom

Saturday, December  14
9:30 am - Women's Fellowship in Fellowship Hall

Sunday Worship, December 15
10:00 am - Worship Service in-person and Facebook Live
11:15 am - Annual Budget Meeting
2025 approved by members: in-person & Zoom

Fellowship in Fellowship Hall after the Budget Meeting



Hosts, Ushers, Greeters, Scripture readers
Sign up on the clipboard in the narthex or click here to go  to

H.U.G.S. this  Sunday, December 8
Host: Jack & Kay Kraywinkle
Greeter/Ushers: Tim Anderson & Ryan Kelley
Counters: Deb Griffith & Maggie Anderson

H.U.G.S. Tuesday, December 10 - Special Worship Service
Greeter/Ushers: Sue Hadland

H.U.G.S. next  Sunday, December 15
Host: Open
Greeter/Ushers: Kay Cox
Counters: Holden Hollister & Sarah Jo Armstrong

Liturgist: Sunday, December 8 - Mary Reardon
Liturgist: Tuesday, December 10 - Sue Hadland
Liturgist: Sunday, December 15 - Pat Scott
























Advent Shadowbox
First Congregational Friends & Family,
We invite you to be a part of our interactive Advent Shadowbox.
The shadowbox is located in the Narthex.

Take a card and bring back something that represents the word in the context of this time of waiting for Christ.

What does this word mean to you? Does it evoke an emotion or memory?  You might have a small object or possibly a brief writing either existing or original, maybe a photo expressing the word. 

Please return your item by the date on the card. After Christmas you take your item home. The object will need to fit into the 6 inch opening. You may want to label your item with your name on the back.

We are hoping this activity will spark us to look at the wait for Christmas in new ways, as well as encourage discussion among the congregation.

Let your creativity shine!












Friday, December 6th from 10 am - 2 pm
The trustees are hosting a cleaning day to freshen up
various areas in the church.
Tasks we are wanting to work on are: dusting stair railings; removing cobwebs; polishing front and back glass doors along with the sanctuary door; vacuum and dust, spot clean carpet stains with carpet cleaner and kitchen cleaning and organizing of cupboards, refrigerator, etc.

The trustees will serve a light lunch of soup and a dessert for all who volunteer. A signup sheet is in the Narthex through December 6th or email to Deb G.





























December Adult Forum - 11:30 after worship
December 8th – “Heart of my Soul” – second book by Janet Kurtz: “The Heart of my Soul: Tales of Five Generations at the Family Cabin” will be the core of this week’s Adult Forum. Jan’s second book is a compilation of family letters, essays, snippets of handed down sayings and the oral tradition practiced around bonfires, scripted for the future. She will read a few examples from her family stories and lead an activity in story-telling.  With Christmas gatherings in the near future, maybe this is the year to tell or retell family lore, leaving a legacy, not just of physical inheritance, but of beliefs, humor, and a foundation of people that shed light on who we are and make us think about what we want to pass along. Join Jan and her quest to keep the family alive through their words and actions, thinking out beyond the five generations shared here. Both of her books will be available for sale.
Check out Jan's writing website at:




















Congregational Budget Approval
Sunday, December 15, @ 11:15 am after worship In-person and via Zoom
Please attend the congregational budget meeting to review and vote on the 2025 church budget. Meeting packets will be distributed in person on the previous Sunday, December 8, and emailed to voting members on December 11.
Please notify Terri in the office if you need a packet sent to you by snail mail.













Christmas Flowers 2024

You have the opportunity to give a gift in honor and in memory of your loved one(s). We will use the money to purchase flower arrangements for the altar. All memorials will be listed in the Christmas bulletin. 

Please include all of the information below with your gift.
Amount of Memorial Gift:  $__________
In Memory Of: ____________________
Your Name(s): ______________________


Write your checks to:
1st Congregational Church with Memo: “Christmas Flowers”
Include this information with your check and drop it off at the church office, give at worship offertory, or mail it to: First Congregational Church, 415 Juniper Street  Brainerd, MN 56401


You can also donate online! We are accept your offerings and donations using PayPal.
You do not need to have a PayPal account to make an online donation with a credit card. To use PayPal, go to:
Please memo: "Christmas Flowers"












Linda Tossey

A celebration of the life of Linda Tossey will be held on Saturday, December 14th 2024 at 2:00 PM at the St. Croix United Church (409 3rd St N, Bayport, MN 55003).

Linda was an active member of this church for a very short time before being diagnosed with the cancer that finally took her life. She co-chaired the 2022 celebration of the church's 150th anniversary, and was instrumental in its success. Linda was a true friend to many in this church, and is deeply missed.



Friday Book Group via Zoom

We meet each Friday at 10:30 am via Zoom
We are reading “There Was an Old Woman: Reflections on These Strange, Surprising, Shining Years”. In these personal essays, Carlisle writes about experiences shared with many, if not most, older women. Andrea Carlisle isn’t struggling with her new identity as the Old Woman in the ways society seems to think she should. In fact, she is finding her later years to be an extraordinary and interesting time.
Those curious about, approaching, or living in old age will find wisdom and insight in her unique perspective. In a voice that rings with clarity, humor, and humility, Carlisle shows us that old age is not another country where we can expect to find the Old Woman grimly waiting, but is instead an expansion of the borders in the country we’re most familiar with: ourselves. 







December Special Offering
Christmas Fund - UCC Missions
Sunday, December 22
This month we have an opportunity as we give our Special Offering to the Christmas Fund UCC Missions. Administered by the Pension Boards on behalf of the church, helps provide pension and health premium supplementation to low-income retirees, emergency assistance to clergy families in need and Christmas gift checks to hundreds of annuitants.


Please send your donation to First Congregational UCC, 415 Juniper St. Brainerd, MN 56401. Make sure to note on your offering: “Christmas Fund”. Thank you! Or for your convenience use our Paypal account at:  Be sure to note on your offering “Christmas Fund” in comments.





Congregational Care Team

Your Congregational Care Team: Barb Hoeft, Deb Griffith, Jack and Kay Kraywinkle, Pat Scott, Chris Yager, and Joey Halvorson (texts only).


The members of the Congregational Care team are available and would love to connect with you.
Contact information for care team members is in the directory or can be obtained by contacting the church office.


If you or someone you know would enjoy a call from the care team, or is in need of support, please let one of us know. 

If you have an urgent pastoral care need (an unplanned hospitalization, a death, etc) or would specifically like a visit or call with Pastor Leslie, please call or text her at 218-656-0096.




First Congregational Food Shelf Collection

Our church continues to collect non-perishable food items for the Salvation Army Food Shelf.

There are two collection boxes: one in the parking lot entry hallway, the other in the Narthex. Brian Twamley or Stephanie Lee pick up and delivers the food. Please consider bringing items and donating.

You may also send a money donation to the church; First Congregational UCC, 415 Juniper St. Brainerd, MN 56401. Or for your convenience use our Paypal account at:  Make sure to write in memo “Food Shelf”.





UCC Volunteer Opportunity

The week of December 29, 2024 - January 4, 2025, is our church's next week volunteering at the Warming Shelter.
Sign up link below for the week of December 29th:

If you have any questions at all, please talk with Deb Griffith when in church or by phone (218-851-2949). Thank you for considering volunteering for this worthy cause.




Where: Fellowship Hall
When: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm (maybe)
What: Games, camaraderie, food, prizes, FUN, FUN, FUN!
**$5 Cover Charge**
*Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest
Wear your ugliest Christmas sweater!
Win fabulous prizes!

*Bring an appetizer to share and your own beverages
(no alcohol please)

Hosted by Kay Cox and Pam Wible









H.U.G.S. Hosts, Ushers, Greeters & Scripture-readers
Are you ready to take the leap into RADICAL HOSPITALITY?

Sunday morning greeters/ ushers and coffee hosts play an important part in making our church a warm and welcoming place for all.

Give it a go and signup below for your first Sunday as the face of the church!



First Congregational UCC Brainerd








Welcome to our Facility
It is the policy and privilege of the First Congregational United Church of Christ (UCC) Brainerd, to share its beautiful church facilities for purposes that match the values of the church and its mission which is “to know and share God’s love within us.”
We are an open church valuing the diversity of age, culture, gender identity, opinions, physical and mental abilities, and sexual orientation.

To reserve a space for general use, ask for a “Request for Church Building Use Form" (which is included in the policy packet) from the church office, Admin. Asst. Terri at 218-829-2528 or email
Submit the request form to the administrative assistant.

For wedding or funeral use, contact the Pastor Leslie:


Mental Health Support Numbers
From your CARE TEAM at First Congregational UCC

Suicide Hotline: 988 (Call or Text)

24/7 Crisis Line: 218-828-4357

WARMLINE (peer support) 5pm - 9am: 1-844-239-6369

Pastor Leslie's Cell: 218-656-0096










Church Humor
Why wouldn’t Pharoah let the Hebrews go?
He was in de-Nile.





Copyright © 2024 First Congregational United Church of Christ, All rights reserved.

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